Saturday, November 13, 2010

Shoe Showdown Conclusion

I enjoyed testing the shoes. I compared name brand (Sketchers) and generic (Empire) shoes. It was fun to wear two different shoes. It made it easy to get ready in the morning because I always knew what shoes to wear. My hypothesis was that the Sketcher shoes would last the longest. I was correct. The Empire shoes started to fall apart the first week I wore them. I think that Sketchers must use better material and that is why they cost more. The better material helps them last longer.
I thought the Sketchers would be more popular. The Sketchers were more popular with the adults but kids liked the blue Empire shoes. The popularity of the shoes overall was almost the same.
I consider my product testing of Empire and Sketcher shoes to be a success. I wore the shoes every day for six weeks. The generic Empire shoes continued to fall apart faster than the Sketchers shoes. If I were to test the shoes again I would have more people test the shoes. Then I could see if the results would be the same.

Learning and exploring the wonderful world of science!

shoe pics

  After the first week both shoes showed some wear. The rubber stripe on the Empire shoe is starting to peal.

look close at the toe of the blue shoe.

The blue shoe fabric is getting very soft.


I did an online survey of 40 people.

 People voted on what shoe they liked the best. 22 people liked the pink and black Sketchers shoe and 18 people liked the blue Empire shoe.

       I  did two in person surveys. The first survey was of 3rd graders and the second survey was of adults above the age of 30. The survey of 3rd graders resulted in 11 people liking the blue Empire shoes and 5 people liking the black and pink Sketchers. 

       The second survey was of all adults. There were 23 people in the group 14 liked the black and pink Sketcher shoes and 9 people chose the blue Empire shoes.

When I combine the results of all three surveys, 41 people chose the black and pink Sketcher shoes and 38 people chose the blue Empire shoes. The black shoes are more popular among the individuals surveyed.  The results were very close. Most adults picked the pink and black Sketcher shoes while the kids picked the blue Empire shoes.
Learning and exploring the wonderful world of science!